Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Weird recurring teeth dream?

I have had this recurring dream my whole life for as far back as I can remember, about my teeth

My teeth, (mainly one or both of the front,sometimes the bottom) are huge. I mean they are so big I can't talk right, can't close my mouth, I just drool on everything. I'll try to close my mouth and I can hear and feel them breaking right at the gumline and eventually I wind up breaking them off with my hand. I hate this dream and I have it often.

I don't really have any self conscious issues about my teeth, they aren't perfect but I don't stress or worry about them or wish they were better or want work on them.

Any ideas about this dream???

Weird recurring teeth dream?
I don't think your dream is about teeth. I've had dreams in the past that included loss of teeth.

If your dream has over sized teeth or something that is obstructing your speech, etc. Review what is going on in your life. What has happened that maybe you don't feel it's your place to say something for fear of what the reactions would be but it's eating at you emotionally.

Or, is there something going on at work that is bothering you. It could also be marital related. It can be anything really.

It seems apparent that you're fearful of telling someone how you feel or that perhaps you are fearful of moving forward with a decision or choice you've made because of uncertainty.

I wish you the best!
Reply:i had a recurring dream where this big bird would come at midnight and if you weren't asleep or if he saw you and you weren't asleep something really bad would happen to you i had this for about 3 years every night and one night i had chose to hide under the window sill so he wouldn't see me and i stood up and looked him in the eye and i turned into the bird and i saw myself fly away an i never had and when i did that i never had the dream again. maybe you could tell yourself in the dream to do nothing or try something different to what you do with your teeth in the dream
Reply:yea i suggest you get to a dentist to get your teeth checked out, this may sound weird but i have had dreams concerning my teeth over the years awful things and every time I would go to the dentist and sure enough there was or a problem was beginning, so go to a dentist. I'm been serious just out of interest.
Reply:for most of my adult life I had a recurring dream about not being able to walk properly... embarassing and frustrating, just like your dream.. turns out it wasnt about my legs, or walking, it was about not being able to get where I wanted in my life because my addictive behaviors were holding me back....

similarly, I suggest that your dream isnt really about your teeth... I think your subconscious is reacting to something in your life and your teeth dream is an outlet for it...

I think something important in your dream is that you mention the teeth are so big you cant speak properly... after you break them off are you able to go on with things normally? maybe its something to do with you feeling you arent being heard.... maybe you feel that when you speak you make a mess of things...

makes me cringe just hearing you describe it, quite the nightmare! good luck =)


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