Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Any one else had this happen to their teeth?

My great grandad got loose teeth in his 60's and got a whole new set come through, when he died he had a perfect set of natural teeth!

I am hoping this will of skipped a couple of generations as I would love to have some sparkly new teeth!

Is this common?

Any one else had this happen to their teeth?
the same thing happened to my dad but it happened in high school for him it freaked him out anyways its very uncommon thats what his dentist told him
Reply:I've never heard of that............. sound like a miracle to me.
Reply:Wow! Never heard of that.
Reply:Wow that is a very unusual thing to happen.....niether my wife or I have ever heard of this......
Reply:I am going to say that this is not common at all!!!

Do you think that your Grandad was having a joke? (that's what they do - y'know)

I remember mine telling me that he could blow smoke out of his ears! (Go on...someone will say that this is possible!)

He couldn't! but it never stopped me loving him - or believing it for many years! (well, until I was 31.....?)
Reply:I'll bet he was just teasing around with you. He probably did lose his teeth, but got false teeth from the dentist, and he told his great grandchildren they "grew in" just to play around with them.

Or it actually did happen!!! You may get to have new teeth when you get old!!! :)
Reply:It is rare but it happens. My aunt got new wisdom teeth in her late 70's. The incoming teeth caused headaches and had to be removed. The dentist had never heard of such a thing happening before, so this indicates that the medical community either doesn't know much about the phenomenon, or it is so rare as to be ignored.
Reply:that would be brill. its a shame we only get one set of adult teeth, hope its true, dont think its common tho, i have not heard of this before
Reply:Did his orginal baby teeth acutally fall out or did they stay there untill he was 60 and then his adult teeth grew through its not common
Reply:Not really, most loose teeth an have to replaced with false teeth, were they hids milk teeth that fell out??? this has really puzzled me lol....
Reply:Wow! That's pretty coolio! Way to go G-Pa~!~


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