Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why do black women have such beautiful skin and teeth?

They seem to have this natural glow. Their teeth is always a perfect white. I'm black too, but I seem to notice it more in African American women more. But of course all women are beautiful.

Why do black women have such beautiful skin and teeth?
I don't know why, but that's just the way it is as in all races. *u*
Reply:Easy because B is B(black is beautiful). Black don't crack either.
Reply:i dont understand dis line:

"I'm black too, but I seem to notice it more in African American women more."

but yea, we just beautiful like dat! :)
Reply:i think they have nice teeth

but there skin in my opinon

is oily.
Reply:i think it's weird that if i were to ask why white women are so beautiful with their blonde hair and white skin...

i would get trashed talked so bad... and called a racist especially if i were myself a white person.

..but i'm not so get off my back.
Reply:Don't kn....It's just something about us..those strong African genes are the best lol

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